Thursday, July 05, 2007

Celebrating this 4th!

Hey Folks,

Carly here again- just checking in and saying hi. I just returned earlier today from Eastern TN, where we were visiting family for the 4th of July. I love fireworks. I love holidays. Last year, I played this great outdoor festival on the 4th of July and had a great time- they handed out 3-d glasses to everyone watching the fireworks there- the results were unreal. If you are reading this, you now have a year to get some 3-D glasses for next year- you will be happy you did, trust me.

I am excited to get out on the road again and start playing shows non-stop. It’s such a fulfilling thing for me to be able to play, play, play. I love connecting with audiences all over the world and finding that people, more or less, are the same. I find comfort in that- in knowing that even though we may have vast cultural differences, and understanding about the world and how we got here, etc.- most people are such good people.

Lately I have been thinking about how I can make an even bigger difference during my time here- or maybe, not such a big impact. I want to recycle more, to be less wasteful of the things that I use and don’t use for that matter. I am so proud that the musical community is coming together this Saturday night for Live Earth- the first of its kind, and the largest gathering of people ever to look at the global situation we are in as something we call all fix together. I for one will be watching it- and who wouldn’t watch the Police get back together? I am excited because I know that if we all ban together and do something, even if it is little (or big!) we can make a difference. I have been separating my trash, and reusing paper- doing what we can on a daily basis. I really want to plant trees, and a garden and feel the exhilaration of growing my own food and literally seeing the abundance of the universe. I think that sometimes we forget that it is the little things that make this world such an incredible place to be. I for one surely forget the details sometimes. Buddha, my pup has been a great inspiration for me because he takes pleasure in the simplest thing- granted, he is a dog, and I realize, not quite as evolved as we are, but I love that he can be so interested in the details of life- like a butterfly, or a tree, or the wind.

I hope that on this 4th of July- you have had the time to take a moment and look at the beauty in this world- whether it is looking at the amazing color of fireworks, or being with your family, cooking around a fire while camping or in the suburbs of a big city. We have such a gorgeous country, and such a gorgeous world- and I hope that we will be able to celebrate life in such a vigorous way for centuries to come.

With love,

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Happy Wed.

Hey there,

Life is good. It's been a busy time, and this summer will hold a lot of action and travel and opportunities to play, and for all of those- I am very grateful.

I just returned from the Songwriter's Festival down in Key West, and had an amazing time. I am a fan of songs first and foremost, and I find it absolutely intriguing to hear the stories behind the songs. Legends such as Don Schlitz were at the festival, and it was wonderful to see just how many hits he has had! I am impressed (so much so) by people that create every day in such a beautiful way- and continue to do so in interesting ways day after day after day. It is such a gift.

While we were in Key West, we rented bikes, explored the town, and went out at night. One of the nights we were out, we experienced hearing a Drag Queen sing Josh's song, "Before He Cheats". This song really has had a life of it's own, and it was just hysterical to see a man/woman belting out this song for the world to see. Josh said that it was a career highlight. It certainly was a highlight of the trip.

If you ever make it to Key West- make sure to go to the Butterfly Sanctuary. It was astoundingly beautiful- full of thousands of butterflies and birds, landing on you and gifting you with their presence. I have always been incredibly moved by butterflies and felt that they were magical in some sense. It was a wonderful time away and rejuvinating as well.

We are getting ready to head out on the road for the next several months, and are in rehearsals right now, etc. I love being out on the road, and am excited to be playing The Boundless Playgrounds Gala on the 23rd of May in Hartford, CT. We will also be headed to New York City to play the only country bar there- the Rodeo Bar- a very cool place. If you are in town, please come on down and check it out! We will be playing on the 25th and the 26th opening for Elana James. On the 27th we will be headed to Adelphia, New Jersey to play a show in support of The Peace Alliance. (

So, like I said, LIFE IS GOOD. We leave for Vegas in the next few days to go the ACM awards-and I know that we will have a blast, as usual. It is great to spend some time around all of the people in our industry playing. And! Josh Kear (my husband) is nominated for Song of the Year for writing "Before He Cheats" for Carrie Underwood- and we are very excited and honored for that nomination as well. Make sure to tune in on May 15th on CBS!

Fan Fair will be here before we know it, and it is quite exciting to know that I have the opportunity to see so many people who LOVE country music. I love Fan Fair because as an artist, I get to meet so many fans and make them friends. Thanks for your support. This year we are pleased to say that we will be playing the IFCO show on June 4th too- it is an incredible show to be involved with, and it will be my first time playing the Ryman Auditorium. I love being in places where so many greats have been before. These places seem to hold their energy and inspire the newcomers who enter. I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to sing on a stage where so many legends have changed the course of music.

With love,

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

some pictures

Carly at TV show in Salt Lake City, UT

Carly with Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith) at The Peace Alliance Conference in DC in Feb.

the #1 Party for "Before He Cheats"

Happy Spring

Dear Friends,
I am so glad that Spring is finally here. We are working on some amazing things right now, and I know that this year is going to be the best yet- and life just keeps getting better and better!
We are planning an amazing Spring and Summer tour and I am so excited to get back on the road and play for new friends and old friends. It will be great to see you once again.

So, what has been going on here in Nashville? Well, time is flying by. Life is amazing. I just did a new photo shoot last week with an amazing photographer named Scott Simontacchi- he is so artistic and creative and I adore him and really love his work.

Also, we are working on the CMA Music Festival, and well as a new site- so keep coming back and seeing if the overhaul is complete! I am excited to get a fresh start. We are all about the fans and I am really looking to Fan Fair as a way to celebrate YOU.

I will be playing Nashville a lot this month, and on the road quite a bit next month. I will be in the Keys down in Florida in May, as well as at the ACM Awards in Vegas with Josh. I am so excited for him and continue to visualize him winning for "Song of the Year". I think that "Before He Cheats" is an incredible song- it has crossed over and is #14 on the POP chart and #10 on AC- and MTV just added it to their video rotation, so this is big stuff in our household. Carrie Underwood is a great artist and has really done an amazing job with that song. Super sweet too.

We have recently gotten a Samoyed puppy too. He is 11 weeks old, and his name is Buddha. He is gorgeous and so sweet. We are trying to keep him worn out without getting too tired in the process.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to be a recording artist and follow my dreams. Thank you so much for your support. If you are not able to make it to Fan Fair this year, we will miss you, but know that you can always shoot me an email, as I do get all of my own Fan Mail and respond.

I encourage all of you to think about what you want in life and know that it will come to you as long as you believe it will. I am astounded at the abundance in this world every day and so grateful to be able to experience life in this amazing place (I don't mean Nashville per say, but the world). We have so much to be grateful for and I am so blessed. we all are.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 15, 2007

hi there

Dear Friends and Fans,
First of all, Happy New Year! This year is going to be incredibly blessed with abundance, I can feel it. I have been thinking about some of the things that have helped me an enormous amount in 2006- and here are a few of them.

There is a new film out called "The Secret" it is full of insight from incredibly knowledgable minds from around the globe- I highly recommend it for anyone looking for something that could change your life.

Have you ever heard of a vision board? Many people believe that what you think about is what you manifest in your life. It makes sense, as what you focus your energy on is what is attracted to you. For 2007, create a board of pictures, scenes, goals, etc. of the things that you want to accomplish! Make sure that you come back and let us know about the amazing things happening in your life!

Make a goal list for 2007! My friend, Mark Victor Hansen, who co-wrote the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books, explained the importance of goal setting to me once by challenging me to write down 120 goals in 20 minutes. He explained that we should all have at least that many, as we are alive and have so many opportunities to grow, learn and experience things. What is on your list?

I am excited and very grateful to announce that I will be performing at The Peace Alliance Conference in Feb, from the 3-5th, in Washington, D.C. It will be a fantastic gathering of inspiring people coming together to create a section of the US Goverment that focuses on Peace. I am honored to be performing there, and I will be opening up for Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson, 2 people who I admire greatly. I hope to see many of you at this amazing conference! This is a way to truly make a difference in your own community!

I also spent last week in the studio, and am extremely excited about what came of it. As an artist, it is great to expand and learn and grow. I am thrilled to be reaching new heights and touching upon new themes and ideas in my music.

Well, thank you as always for your amazing support.
With much love,

Monday, December 11, 2006

GTMO pics

me and the band

Happy Holidays

Dear Friends,
Just wanted to say hi and wish you all a very Happy Holiday Season. It has been quite a busy time here in my life. I am happy to say that I am now married. We had a gorgeous wedding in the Dominican Republic a month ago, surrounded by our closest friends and family. The good news has been rolling in lately, Josh Kear (my new husband) has just had his 5th week at number one - he wrote Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats" so we have been celebrating that as well. I also won the Country Single of the Year at the LA Music Awards with the duet of "Crazy" with Willie. When it rains, it pours- life is good.

We just returned from a trip to Cuba as well, where we performed for the troops down at GTMO. It was my third time making the trip, and it was a really great experience, with a wonderful group of people. We went sailing (see pic below of me and my bandmate and mandolin player- Scott Simontacchi, and my manager- Jeanette Jolley). We played right on the coast and aside from the mosquitoes, it couldn't have gotten much better.

I love the Holiday Season because we seem to take the time (we allow ourselves the time) to focus on family and what matters. I wish all of you a wonderful Holiday Season, full of love and peace and joy and everything you've wanted, hoped, wished for, etc- may it manifest itself this Season. Thank you for your support, your letters, emails, stories, etc. as well. I love hearing from you and am so grateful for your enthusiasm and love. It's been a great year and I know that next year will be even better!

With lots of love,

Thursday, November 02, 2006

ASCAP Awards

Carly and Josh at the ASCAP Awards on October 23rd.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

ASCAP awards and other cool stuff

Dear Friends,

It has been quite an exciting week or so here in Nashville. I have been busy getting ready for the wedding which is coming up mid month, but also really focusing on music, and writing, etc.
I attended the ASCAP awards on October 23rd with my fiance Josh Kear. He is currently celebrating a number ONE hit with a song he wrote that Carrie Underwood has recorded called "Before He Cheats". It is a killer song and I am so proud of him.

The LA Music Awards are next week, so make sure that you tune in, as we are nominated for a few awards! Also make sure that you watch the CMA awards-it should be a great show.

Our touring line up is getting more and more concrete, so make sure that you check the website for updates on where we will be. We are doing a Christmas promotional tour in Utah in December, as well as Tennessee, and I hope to see many of your smiling faces. You will love the new Christmas Collection, "This Christmas Day". It has gotten great reviews and who doesn't love Christmas music?

As always, thanks for your support. We appreciate your good wishes and I will write again soon!
With love,