Thursday, July 05, 2007

Celebrating this 4th!

Hey Folks,

Carly here again- just checking in and saying hi. I just returned earlier today from Eastern TN, where we were visiting family for the 4th of July. I love fireworks. I love holidays. Last year, I played this great outdoor festival on the 4th of July and had a great time- they handed out 3-d glasses to everyone watching the fireworks there- the results were unreal. If you are reading this, you now have a year to get some 3-D glasses for next year- you will be happy you did, trust me.

I am excited to get out on the road again and start playing shows non-stop. It’s such a fulfilling thing for me to be able to play, play, play. I love connecting with audiences all over the world and finding that people, more or less, are the same. I find comfort in that- in knowing that even though we may have vast cultural differences, and understanding about the world and how we got here, etc.- most people are such good people.

Lately I have been thinking about how I can make an even bigger difference during my time here- or maybe, not such a big impact. I want to recycle more, to be less wasteful of the things that I use and don’t use for that matter. I am so proud that the musical community is coming together this Saturday night for Live Earth- the first of its kind, and the largest gathering of people ever to look at the global situation we are in as something we call all fix together. I for one will be watching it- and who wouldn’t watch the Police get back together? I am excited because I know that if we all ban together and do something, even if it is little (or big!) we can make a difference. I have been separating my trash, and reusing paper- doing what we can on a daily basis. I really want to plant trees, and a garden and feel the exhilaration of growing my own food and literally seeing the abundance of the universe. I think that sometimes we forget that it is the little things that make this world such an incredible place to be. I for one surely forget the details sometimes. Buddha, my pup has been a great inspiration for me because he takes pleasure in the simplest thing- granted, he is a dog, and I realize, not quite as evolved as we are, but I love that he can be so interested in the details of life- like a butterfly, or a tree, or the wind.

I hope that on this 4th of July- you have had the time to take a moment and look at the beauty in this world- whether it is looking at the amazing color of fireworks, or being with your family, cooking around a fire while camping or in the suburbs of a big city. We have such a gorgeous country, and such a gorgeous world- and I hope that we will be able to celebrate life in such a vigorous way for centuries to come.

With love,


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