Monday, January 15, 2007

hi there

Dear Friends and Fans,
First of all, Happy New Year! This year is going to be incredibly blessed with abundance, I can feel it. I have been thinking about some of the things that have helped me an enormous amount in 2006- and here are a few of them.

There is a new film out called "The Secret" it is full of insight from incredibly knowledgable minds from around the globe- I highly recommend it for anyone looking for something that could change your life.

Have you ever heard of a vision board? Many people believe that what you think about is what you manifest in your life. It makes sense, as what you focus your energy on is what is attracted to you. For 2007, create a board of pictures, scenes, goals, etc. of the things that you want to accomplish! Make sure that you come back and let us know about the amazing things happening in your life!

Make a goal list for 2007! My friend, Mark Victor Hansen, who co-wrote the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books, explained the importance of goal setting to me once by challenging me to write down 120 goals in 20 minutes. He explained that we should all have at least that many, as we are alive and have so many opportunities to grow, learn and experience things. What is on your list?

I am excited and very grateful to announce that I will be performing at The Peace Alliance Conference in Feb, from the 3-5th, in Washington, D.C. It will be a fantastic gathering of inspiring people coming together to create a section of the US Goverment that focuses on Peace. I am honored to be performing there, and I will be opening up for Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson, 2 people who I admire greatly. I hope to see many of you at this amazing conference! This is a way to truly make a difference in your own community!

I also spent last week in the studio, and am extremely excited about what came of it. As an artist, it is great to expand and learn and grow. I am thrilled to be reaching new heights and touching upon new themes and ideas in my music.

Well, thank you as always for your amazing support.
With much love,